The hard work can bring you on the walls around the world and I mean it literally. Recently I recieved pictures from my friends that wanted to show me where all my pictures, that I made in recent years, landed. And my mind was blown away. I never could imagine that I will be on a bouildings wall, lost my words!

Scroll down to se the walls we have reached utill now:

The newly opened KTM store in Thailand! So cool to wheelie scrape the walls inside the store 😉

One year ago we made this awesome picture withHead Lens – Media in Istanbul. Now it is standing on the wall of one of the nicest KTM shop that I ever saw. Cambodia – Phnom Penh.

This picture was sent to me one week ago, from the brand new KTM store in Laos. A nice huge bunny hop on the outside wall. Thanks guys for putting me on your wall forever – RokON!

Thanks for the support and I hope more walls like this are coming in the future – RokON!

Dream BIG and never give UP!

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