One of the biggest live shows in this season is about to happen!
Months of planning, 86 emails sent, got 116 new grey hair while dealing with the import papers for the freestyle bikes, but anyway, the dirty job is done and now it’s time to Rock!

I landed yesterday in Amman and after landing nothig much happened. Checked in, in the hotel and went with the KTM Amman team for a nice dinner. End of the story.

[amman2] The day after, actually today was a different story. We went to deal with one of the most important things and that is to take out the bike from the customs department.The customs here in Jordan should be pain in the ass but luckily the case was totally the opposite. Papers for my bikes are cleared. The guys at the Jordanian customs were werry nice and helpful.

after we finally got the papers cleared it was time to check if my bike arrived safely with the Air Freight … and then a shock 😀

Joking 😛 My 690 Duke arrived safelly to the KTM workshop with no scratches 😉

Always before we sent it to a country my mechanic Denis is making a full check and refreshes the bike. Oil change, checking all the bolts, checking if there are some cracks on the frame or some other parts and so on. So the bike is then ready for the weekend abuse. When the bike comes back home it looks like it went trough a war 😀
So we unpacked the bike and mounted the handlebars. Bleed the magura pumps and the brake hoses and the bike was ready 😉

Thanks guys for the assitance – RokON!

That’s preatty much it for today … Tomorrow I am making a practice sesh in Amman to get used to the heat and check that my bike is working perfectly. On afternoon we planed a nice rider with the Dukers in dowtown Amman. Come back tomorrow with new blog entry 😉

Shot with my GoPro Hero4 camera.

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