This is what I do in my free time if I am not in the physiotherapy. I take my stunt bike and just enjoy the last sunny days riding the streets around my home town … The bike is my medicine. It is now 1 month after my knee surgery and I am feeling much better, I can now walk normaly and even ride my bike which gives me a lot of motivation to work harder to come back to my freestyle lifestyle and to practice/performing my tricks around the world. I have still 4 months to go, but they will past quick.

I would like to thank to all your support and all the messages that you send me in my email box, it just gives me a huge motivation boost, THANKS and RokON!

Na poti okrevanja … No tako pa preživljam prosti čas, ko nimam fizioterapij. Vzamem svoj freestyle motor in uživam ob sončni vožnji po okoliških krajih … Motor je moja najboljša medicina. 1 mesec je minil od operacije kolena in počutim se že dosti bolje. Začel sem normalno hodit in občasno se peljem kakšen krog z motorji, saj brez tega ne gre. Pred mano so še 4. mesci rehabilitacije a ob takšni podpori, ki mi jo dajete bo tudi to hitro minilo. Hvala vam in RokON!

This amazing pic was made by Head Lens – Media with GoPro Hero 3 balck edition camera


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